I'm wondering if there is a ratio you can give me for mist-makers to square foot of reservoir space (using a remote reservoir).
I am using a 50"x15"x9.5" (20gal, 2.7 cubic feet) reservoir and growing hemp about 1 foot tall in vegetative state and want to know how many mist makers I will need.
I also have a 50"x30"x9.5" (40gal, 5.4 cubic feet) reservoir that I use for flowering; 8 sites with 3" tall plants come harvest. Can plants like hemp or tomatoes flower well in a fogponic setup or do they prefer ebb/flow or dwc? Also, is this 40gal reservoir too big to effectively do a fogponic grow? I'm currently doing DWC with a single fogger sitting in the center and it's working great, I'd just like to save on water and nutes.
Lastly, is there a rule of thumb on the CFM of a fan used for a remote reservoir? Is more/less, better, or is there a CFM to cubic feet sweet spot that ya want to hit?
Thanks for the mist-maker I ordered a while ago - It's awesome and works fantastically!
And thanks in advance for any information you can give me in regards to my questions, and any other useful knowledge about fogponics you may feel compelled to pass my way!
All the best.
To flower as big as possible you should continue to feed the tap root. ie drip feed, shallow dwc, nft. I would use either three 3 heads (less chance of total failure) or a 12 head in a remote res. with a 80mm fan running as soft as possible. More air = less dense fog = drier roots. Hope this helps some.
Thanks for the reply, very helpful!
If I did a shallow DWC with three 3heads in the non-remote res would I need a fan in the res or would the air from the dwc pumps do the trick? If so, where can I find a suitable fan? In my searches I found nothing like what I've seen in your videos...Also, would I want the fan to be intake, exhaust, or a blower? I'm thinking exhaust as the pumps would already be increasing pressure in the reservoir...?
Lastly, for vegetative growth (I'll be vegging and flowering in different reservoirs), is fogponics alone suitable or do you still want some sort of continual feed for hemp/tomatoes/perennials?
Thanks for everything! Sorry to hit you up with so many questions; I know you're not paid to be my teacher but I can't find anyone who knows anything about fogponics and I really want to get switched over from soil and I just harvested so now's the time. Fogponics seems like the most efficient, interesting, and viable alternative.
With any luck I'll be posting video replies on youtube of what you've inspired (sans hemp) real soon!
Thanks again, all the best!
The air pumps don't provide enough pressure to push the fog. You will need an 80mm fan found here. http://www.thehouseofhydro. com/waterproof-fans-by-hydro- flow.html
you shouldn't need an air stone if you only have the root tips in the water. The roots will receive enough oxygen in the fog zone.
If it were me, I would use a shallow dwc in flower and veg. This will not only provide the plant with as many nutes as it wants, but also provide a fail-safe if power goes out, or your mist maker fails.
Don't sweat the questions, I'm here to help!
Stay foggy,